Commands Page

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Help Commands

List of commands
/helpop <message>
Sends a message to all moderators
shows the rules
shows basic server specs

General Commands

lists everyone online, except /vanish'd people
same as above
same as above
/afk <reason>
shows people who private message you that you are no available
/seen <name>
shows when the player was last on the server
shows info about the item in your hand
shows info about the item in your hand
teleports you to spawn
gets you unstuck
shows kits that you have access to
/kit <name>
gives you the specified kit
teleports you back to where you were before teleporting
deletes everything in your inventory, be careful!
deletes everything in your inventory, be careful!
deletes everything in your inventory, be careful!
if a tool is in your hand, it shows how much durability is left on the tool
if a tool is in your hand, it shows how much durability is left on the tool
displays the welcome message
/refer <name>
declare player is your recruit (before their first join)

The following command is available for rank User and above:

/namecolor <color>
lets you change your name color

The following command is available to Friends of TimGaming:

Ever seen those particles around blazes, this gives them to you!

Region commands

the following command is for all ranks:

/region info
shows the info for the region you are standing in
/rg i
same as above

the following commands are available for rank User and above:

/region addmember
add a member to your protection
/region addowner
adds a owner to your protection
/region removeowner
removes a owner
/region removemember
removes a member
/region flag
flags your region, eg: use deny, people can't open doors
/region select
tells if your region is cuboid
/region list
lists all the regions you are on
/region setparent <region>
sets the region as the parent region
/protect <name>
protects the area you marked out with a wooden stick
/expand <region name> <amount> <direction>
expands your protection
//expand vert
for child lots after you make the corners
/pr <name> -c
shows how much a region will cost
expands your selection the same amount in all directions
decreases your selection the same amount in all directions

Messaging Commands

/tell <player> <message>
sends a private message to a player
/msg <player> <message>
sends a private message to a player
/r <message>
replies to your last received private message
automatically puts you in conversation with player (Thanks _glitched_!)
shows all mail commands
/mail send <player> <message>
sends a mail to the player
/mail read
reads all unread mail
/mail clear
clears all mail
/ignore <player>
blocks all messages from a player, type again to remove;

Home Commands

shows current homes (unless you just have one)
/home <name>
teleports you to your home
/sethome <name>
sets your current position as a home
/delhome <name>
deletes home

Money Commands

shows your money
shows your money
/money pay <name> <amount>
pays someone a certain amount of tims
/money top
shows top 5 wealthiest players

Geography Commands

tells you your current coordinates
tells your your current coordinates
tells you your current coordinates
tells you which direction you are facing and how many degrees
tells you how deep you are below sea level

Lag Commands

shows server tps, 20 is good!
servers response time
shows how long the server has been online since last restart/crash

Teleportion Commands

The following command is available to everyone:

/tpaccept <name>
accepts a /tpa or a /tpahere

The following commands are available to rank User and above:

/tpa <name>
tp's you to a person, they have to accept
/tpahere <name>
tp's a person to you, they have to accept
/call <name>
tp's you to a person, they have to accept

Channel Commands

/ch list
lists all channels
/ch g
sets you to global chat
/ch l
sets you to local chat
/ch t
sets you to trade chat, and should only be used for TRADING
/ch h
sets you to help chat
/ch ch1
sets you to channel 1
/ch ch2
sets you to channel 2
/ch pvp
sets you to pvp chat
/join <channel>
joins channel
/leave <channel>
leaves channel

World Edit


set position one the exact block which you are on, like left clicking a stick


sets position two the exact block which you are on, like right clicking a stick


set position one where you are looking


set position two where you are looking

Party Commands


shows basic party information

/party create <name> <password>

creates a party

/party join <name> <password>

joins a party